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Monday, October 29, 2007

EveryDay Minerals!

Everyday Minerals!!

So for the whole summer, I've been coming across this website called Everyday Minerals. I'm sure everyone has heard of them. The first thing I remember hearing was that they gave free samples (all I had to do was pay shipping). I was like wow, that's pretty awesome. Just about $4 for 4 sample size jars of foundation and blush. So, ever so like me, I procrastinated and never got around to buying them. So finally I did, about a few weeks ago and to my surprise...I actually like them. I've never tried any minerals before, and after this, I think I might just switch over to mineral makeup (JK) but that's beside the point. Why I like them? It's very light weight and goes on easily. I like the's pretty awesome. The blush, will have to take some time for me to learn how to sweep it across my cheeks, but I'm gonna get more colors that's for sure.
Probably the best thing I like is that, the 5gram jars come pretty full packed, so it'll last me awhile, before I get some more!!!

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