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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Starting all OVER!!

Recap of the SUMMER!!!........(as this is my first post)

July 2007, My husband and I left home to go to my brothers wedding in Minnesota....Me, one of the bridesmaid, figured!! i should bring my makeup and hair products, etc...maybe I might get a chance to practice applying makeup and styling hair......(of course the wedding went well, and we all looked beautifull)...on to the worse part....

After all was done, we came home....our flight got cancelled on our only stop, was told our luggage was going to arrive at our destination, and we'll get it the next day when we return home....OH low and behold.....of the two bags (mines and his), my luggages gets the midst of everything else......filed claim, never got it back, will probably never get it back.... :(

2 months later, I had to rebuild my makeup, hair collection....I had purchased a few makeup items up north, lost it too...I had about over $300 worth of makeup... i figured, i was going to be alright with the luggage under the plane...guess not...

So in spite of this happening...i've gotten more than i had before, and will continue to get more...this is why I starting out again as the BeautiBaby!!!

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